What Is The Student Get Student Scheme (SGSS)
The student Get Student Scheme (SGSS) is introduced to reward students
This scheme is eligible for all current students.
Prospects Not Categorised As Students Under ‘SGSS’
- Any student currently doing our programmes cannot be termed as ‘prospect student’ and commission will not be paid
- Any student who exists in our database i.e. students who have deferred enrollment.
- Any student who has completed their MBA in PBS and wish to continue with their PhD in PBS.
- The student must submit the online application on behalf of the candidates.
Application Process

- The SGSS form can be downloaded here
Payment Process
- The current student will be paid the commission either by cheque or by direct bank into the student’s bank account.
- The commission will not be paid to any other parties instructed by the student.
- The commission will only be paid once the prospect student has registered and paid in full the tuition fees for the first semester as required by each programme.
Dispute & Claim
- In cases of dispute, when two or more students submit a claim for the same student, the MarComm Department will conduct a Due Diligence of which the decision will be made by PBS Management.
- All commissions submitted by students will be subjected to verification, and the MarComm Department shall reject any claims found to have false information.
- Name of the prospects must be submitted to the MarComm Department only. The Marketing & Corporate Communications Department will not entertain any communication with other departments.
- Effective the 1st of February 2021, all online applications MUST be submitted by agents only. If the candidates submit their application directly to PBS, PBS will not pay the commission to the respective agent.