Leadership Theories and Practices


The course lays the foundation of the concept of leadership, covering past, present, and emerging leadership theories. Leadership concepts, theories and practices will be explored through class discussions based on published materials and real-life leader behaviours. The final output will be a model of leadership best practices.

Course Code:MGT7204E (https://www2.mqa.gov.my/mqr/english/eakrKPList.cfm?IDAkrIPTS=683)
Course Mode:Online
Delivery:Weekdays | 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm | 8 sessions | 10 contact hours
Credit Hours:3 credit hours
Intakes:January | May | September
Fee:RM800.00 (Without credit transfer)
RM2,400.00 (With credit transfer)
Eligibility for MBA Credit Transfer:Yes, subject to fulfilling MBA – ODL Mode entry requirements

Course Content

TopicCourse Name
TOPIC 1Introduction Leadership Theories and Practices
TOPIC 2Theories of leadership I -Past Leadership theories
TOPIC 3Theories of leadership II -Contingency Theories of Leadership
TOPIC 4Theories of leadership III -Contemporary 
TOPIC 5Transformational and Transactional Leadership
TOPIC 6Authentic and Adaptive Leadership                                    
TOPIC 7Team Leadership
TOPIC 8Fellowship
TOPIC 9Leadership Ethics
TOPIC 10Issues in leadership   


Prof. Dr. Noor Azman Ali

[email protected]

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