International Business Management and Policy


This course provides insights on tools and practices that help to identify and interpret international business opportunities. Students will analyse international business management and investment strategies. This course draws upon international business theory and practice for understanding the international business context. It aims to provide students with practical tools and theoretical knowledge related to international trade theory and policy as well as to discuss practical issues faced by business managers in the globalized world.

Course Code:ITB7202E (
Course Mode:Online
Delivery:Weekdays | 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm | 8 sessions | 10 contact hours
Credit Hours:3 credit hours
Intakes:January | May | September
Fee:RM800.00 (Without credit transfer)
RM2,400.00 (With credit transfer)
Eligibility for MBA Credit Transfer:Yes, subject to fulfilling MBA – ODL Mode entry requirements

Course Content

TopicCourse Name
TOPIC 1Introduction to international business
TOPIC 2National differences in political, economic development and culture
TOPIC 3Ethics, corporate social responsibility and sustainability
TOPIC 4International trade theory
TOPIC 5Government policy and international trade
TOPIC 6Foreign Direct Investment
TOPIC 7Regional economic integration
TOPIC 8The strategy of international business
TOPIC 9Exporting, importing and international trade
TOPIC 10Global production and supply chain management


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ida Md Yasin

[email protected]

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