Business Intelligence and Analytics Systems


This course covers historical, current, and predictive analysis in Business Intelligence and Analytics through computer-based technologies, primarily data warehousing and data mining techniques, text and web mining, social media analysis, big data, and knowledge management systems will be given.

Course Code:MGT7105E (
Course Mode:Online
Delivery:Weekdays | 8:00 pm – 9:15 pm | 8 sessions | 10 contact hours
Credit Hours:3 credit hours
Intakes:January | May | September
Fee:RM800.00 (Without credit transfer)
RM2,400.00 (With credit transfer)
Eligibility for MBA Credit Transfer:Yes, subject to fulfilling MBA – ODL Mode entry requirements

Course Content

TopicCourse Name
TOPIC 1Overview of Business Intelligence, Analytics and Big Data.
TOPIC 2Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
TOPIC 3Descriptive Analytics
TOPIC 4Data Mining Process, Methods and Algorithms
TOPIC 5Text, Web and Social Media Analytics 
TOPIC 6Optimisation 
TOPIC 7Decision Analysis
TOPIC 8Monte Carlo Simulation
TOPIC 9Big Data Concepts and Tools  
TOPIC 10Future Trends, Privacy and Managerial Considerations in Analytics


Ts. Dr. Ahmad Shaharudin Abdul Latiff

[email protected]

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