Sharing Sessions

Sharing sessions & events at Putra Business School are a good opportunity for PBS students and community members alike to learn about industry know-how, perspectives, and advice, as well as connect with professional and renowned personalities and organisations.

Are you interested in organising or participating in our sharing sessions? Contact Ms. Hani at [email protected].

1Asian Nest27-Oct-21ZOOM
2Workshop: How to Start a PhD Thesis16-Oct-21ZOOM
3 Agile HR & Digital HR16-Oct-21ZOOM
4Virtual Presentation Skills1-Oct-21ZOOM
6Accepted or Rejected? Understanding the Journal Review Process?17-Sept-21ZOOM
7Publishing in High-Impact Journals 13-Sept-21ZOOM
8Employee Wellbeing | Issues & Challenges16-Jul-21ZOOM
9Zero-Budget Marketing for Tough Times16-Jul-21ZOOM
10Thesis Writing Journey: The Key Elements to Graduate Before Time6-Jul-21ZOOM
11Business Opportunity Identification And Marketing In a R.U.D.E. Environment1-Jul-21ZOOM
12Strategic Planning and Priorities for the Post-Crisis Business Landscape29-Jun-21ZOOM
13Leadership Towards Performance27-Jun-21ZOOM
14Mitigating the Risks of Covid-19 Pandemic: A Retailer’s Perspective26-Jun-21ZOOM
15Employee Turnover: Company or People Matter?12-Jun-21ZOOM
16Storytelling in Marketing22-May-21ZOOM
175 Marketing Must-Haves for Entrepreneurs & Businesses9-May-21ZOOM
18Contract Risk Management: Effective Method for Tendering and Selecting Contractors29-Apr-21ZOOM
19Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence in the Workplace28-Apr-21ZOOM
20Shape Up or Ship Out!6-Apr-21ZOOM
21Building A Global E-Commerce Business with Google and Facebook Ads4-Apr-21ZOOM
22Entrepreneurial Marketing: The OMNI House16-Mar-21ZOOM
23Marketing for Non-Marketer31-Mar-21ZOOM
24Your Project: Managing It Right 25-Mar-21ZOOM
25Managing Successful Infrastructure Projects in the Telecommunications Sector22-Mar-21ZOOM
26The Art and Science of Strategic HRM27-Feb-21ZOOM
27The Leader in Muhammad25-Feb-21ZOOM
28Investigation Techniques23-Feb-21ZOOM
29An Insight to Semiconductors – Why they are the True Drivers of innovation in today’s Economies21-Feb-21ZOOM

*All information is subject to change