The Academic team at Putra Business School (PBS) are dynamic and dedicated people coming from diverse background, experience and specialisation, who share a common love of teaching.
Leading the team is Prof. Dr Azmawani Abd. Rahman, our aspiring, riveting, and inspiring President & CEO. Our programme heads, Prof. Dr Abu Bakar Sade and Prof. Dr Huam Hon Tat are accomplished experts who strive to instill Human Governance in their leadership and in the curricula. Members of our formidable teaching force are Prof. Dr Abu Bakar Hamid, Prof. Dr Sazali Abd Wahab, Prof. Dr Hishamuddin, Prof. Dr Rosli Mahmood, Prof. Dr Zainal Abidin, Prof. Dr Wan Fadzilah, Prof. Dr Sha’ari, Prof. Dr Mohammad Ali, Prof. Dr Muzafar Shah, Prof. Dr Khaliq Ahmad, Prof. Dr Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Prof. Dr Rosalan Ali, Assoc. Prof. Dr Ahmed Razman , Assoc. Prof. Dr Devika, Assoc. Prof. Dr Ida, Ts Dr Ahmad Shaharuddin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norizan Mat Saat, and Dr. Abdul Rashid. Every single one of these scholars are dedicated educators, passionate researchers, steadfast human governance ambassadors, and above all, exemplary human beings.