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Who/what is your motivation to complete your postgraduate journey?
A great pleasure in life is doing something people say you can’t. The MBA was always a personal challenge and its own journey; during the COVID-19 limitations, I finally had the time to pursue further studies – quarantine, no travels. Why not! Then I found out I was pregnant with my second child and when classes started on 5th January, I gave birth on 8th January and missed the first two classes. The Head of Programme and others encouraged me to postpone my entry. That was personal but I was determined to show that new mothers can and will achieve everything they set their mind to. Little did I know, the journey was only bearable due to the support of those around me; my family, my kids and my colleagues. Afterall, it doesn’t take a village to only raise a child but to graduate as well!
How did you overcome your challenges while studying?
For many of us already at a certain level of our careers, an MBA did not promise a career progression or a raise in our income, so it may demotivate some people and when many of my classmates were not able to complete the final papers due to this. I had a miscarriage at the end of 13 weeks. I deferred a semester and lost hope. Took time off from work and study. However, I reminded myself of the MARA GREP loan which I would have to pay in full if I did not complete my master’s and the two girls who look up to their mom every day. This was a chance for me to tell them ‘do not give up no matter how hard it is’ . They might not remember the long nights but hopefully I can tell a story of how their mom did her MBA during confinement, worked a full-time job, and only paid 25% of the fees.
Any advice for future students?
It is and will not be an easy journey but rejoice in the complications. It will not be anything like what you think it’s going to be like, but surprises are good for you. Learn from everyone around you. The seasoned lecturers, your 20-year-old-less-experienced classmate or the 50-year old-timer with extensive stories to tell. I learned a lot from asking questions; to each other, to the administrative officers, to your peers and especially after class. Some of these people will become your lifelong friends who teach you beyond the classroom.